Bill to Ban Two Lethal Poisons, Compound 1080 & M-44s, Re-introduced in Congress
In June 2008 Brooks Fahy (l) and
Dennis &
Slaugh (r)
met with
Peter DeFazio
Capital Hill.
Dennis is
severe, long-
health affects
from M-44
Legislation designed to protect humans and pets on both private and public lands
March 20, 2012 - We are pleased to announce that legisation we've been working on for years to ban two lethal poisons—Compound 1080 and Sodium Cyanide (used in M-44s)—has just been reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives as H.R. 4214. Please contact your representative and ask him/her to support it.
These poisons—used by U.S.D.A. Wildlife Services—pose a national security risk, are an inefficient subsidy to private agricultural interests, and are harmful to federally protected wildlife, domestic pets, and the public.
This legislation was introduced by Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), and Rep. John Campbell (R-CA). We will keep you posted as it progresses.
Learn More About the Bill
We encourage you to learn more about the bill below, follow the links to a wealth of information on M-44 cyanide devices and Compound 1080 poison, and take action in every way you can.
- Why we need this bill - "Two Killers That Need to Go"
- Learn more about M-44s and Compound 1080
- Get involved - join Predator Defense today
Working Around the Country and Across the Globe
It is important for people to remember that this bill has gone far beyond the purview of the USDA's Wildlife Services. For two decades, Predator Defense has been working with activists in New Zealand, Australia, Tasmania, and in Africa and South America to bring about a worldwide ban on Compound 1080.
In June 2008 our executive director, Brooks Fahy, traveled to Washington, D.C., to gain Congressional support for this legislation. To provide a first-hand account of acute sodium cyanide poisoning by an M-44, Dennis and Dorothy Slaugh of Vernal, Utah accompanied Brooks on the trip. Dennis was poisoned in 2004 when he pulled on an M-44 that he mistook for a survey marker. Dennis is still plagued by severe health problems stemming from the poisoning. His description of this experience brought more than one Congressional staff member to tears. Dennis’ story was featured in the January 2008 issue of Men’s Journal, America’s Secret War on Wildlife, and reported in newspapers across the country.
Predator Defense covered all expenses for Dennis and Dorothy to travel Washington. Their presence put a human face on the danger posed by M-44s. Through this effort, and those of other groups and individuals, we got 35 Representatives to co-sponsored the bill. While on Capitol Hill, we also met Representative Salazar, D-CO, who had urged all members of the House, via a "Dear Colleague" letter, not to support the bill. After our meeting we were reassured that he would offer no additional opposition.
Compound 1080 Suspected in Dog's Death
May 2008 - Brooke and Cliff Everest of Bozeman, MT, lost their beloved dog, an American Brittany named Bea, whiile on a rafting trip on the White River in Utah. Bea suffered the agonizing and classic symptoms of Compound 1080 poisoning after an encounter with a sheep carcass. Read press release and letter from owners.